Every child has his or her own talent, we help them find which ones!

As parents and teachers, we all have a responsibility to help each child find something they love doing, maybe something they can be really great at doing!

The limitations of the traditional school environment don’t always allow the child to explore their own path, so the parent needs more options. Maybe it’s golf, hockey, music or rugby, classical ballet or Hip-Hop dance, today’s parents and carers share that passion for helping their child explore the wider world of leisure and cultural options. NATHY’S helps you do just that.

Seeing our students really enjoying their learning and dancing experience is what gives us our passion for what we do. Whilst they literally “find their feet” in their new skill, the child builds his or her confidence, co-ordination and fitness. 

As an internationally experienced learning team, we feel that the child’s personal development is best helped by a balanced pedagogical approach to their learning. This is perhaps more common in the US, UK, Scandinavia and Germany, than it is here in The Czech Republic. The current thinking is that the child needs to try as many leisure activities as is practicable, finding their talents themselves. We think children are naturally very good at this, we guide them and nurture their talent.

This approach helps bring a broader perspective within the child’s own personal development, building confidence and helping them find their own favourite ways to deal with the challenges that life can throw at them.

NATHY’S vision is not necessarily to turn every little boy or girl in to another Rudolf Nureyev or another Margot Fonteyn. It is to spark the initial that all important interest and generate the child’s passion. We teach the skills to love the music, the elegance, the movement and the sheer enjoyment of classical or modern ballet. 

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